The New Nine Ensemble was started by Andres Trujillo and Patrick Sheng (bari sax). Tuba is so rarely seen in any jazz context outside of traditional jazz (some would call Dixieland) or New Orleans brass bands. However, to our delight, it is featured as one of the nine instruments in the Miles Davis album "Birth of the Cool". The ensemble, which premiered in 1949, was created by both Miles Davis and Gil Evans to give a modern edge to be-bop as well as give a wider instrumentation, color pallete, and harmonic complexity to a chamber music-esque ensemble. Like notable ensembles in the classical music world, such as the L'histoire du Soldat and the Pierro Lunaire styled groups, our aim is to continue performing the original album along with creating new arrangements and original compositions.
From sharing the stage with Stéphane Denéve to Weird Al Yankovich,
Andres Trujillo plays a wide spectrum of genres. Originally from
Houston, Texas, Andres has spent time studying and performing around
the United States and abroad. He earned a bachelor of music at Boston
University studying with Mike Roylance and his master of music degree
from the San Francisco Conservatory of Music with Jeff Anderson.
Andres can often be found at Disneyland performing.
Friday, May 13 1:00-1:45pm - Zhang Hall
Miles Davis' Birth of the Cool album presented a revolutionary sound to the world, and the New Nine Ensemble present their own compositions with this iconic instrumentation.​
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